blue dandelion quote pull of love rumi

Our development is about deepening in presence with what is.

Acknowledging, accepting, flowing.
With life and each other.
Doing good and enjoying our time here.

As much as we’re able to do that
- to be that - we are in peace.

Then, we can deepen more.
That’s the infinite cycle of life.

And it all starts right here, now.


  • 10 conversations, resources and guidance.

    Every 2 weeks, online or in my studio in Sarajevo

    1.600,00 EUR

  • A one-off conversation if you’ve already done an integral program with me

    160,00 EUR

  • Bespoke in-person coaching at special locations in Bosnia&Herzegovina

    Per request

How it works

I open the field of deeper presence for you
in the space of our conversations.
It changes your being and consciousness.
You practice it in other contexts
until you’re able to stay there on your own.


  • Metaphors of the ways I see you are seeing yourself and the worlds. Who you are now. Who you are becoming. Qualities of the soul to nurture in the process.

  • Custom designed for you. You open inquiries, experiment with the ways you experience, behave and perceive. You notice what changes in you.

  • Modalities and methods I have studied in depth and found effective for myself and others. Chosen specifically for you in your current unfolding.

  • You bring the current questions. I bring the holding space. Together, we make new distinctions and open possibilities that you then take to practice.

blue dandelion quote breath of love infinity rumi